A downloadable game for Windows, Linux, and Android

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 In "ChronoCraze," players take on the role of a time-traveling delivery person who must deliver packages to various historical figures throughout time. The catch is that you have a malfunctioning time machine, so you need to manage your time wisely to make these deliveries on time.

made for both system and phone

for system...

W, A, S, D keys for movement and the lft mouse button for attack


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Chrono Crazq.rar 12 MB
Chrono Craze.apk 29 MB


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Fun! i had fun playing this. This was built with godot and it's amazing. I know the UI isn't there yet but i recommend using transparent UI buttons for the controls. Well done 

thanks for the reply, will work on fixing the ui